Cover Images

The cover images in Balsam come from Open Library. Open Library is an initiative of the Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form.

The cover images are based on the first ISBN listed in the MARC record 020 field. Cover images are sometimes incorrect or missing. Open Library users can fix these issues by adding and replacing cover images on items in Open Library, which will update the Balsam record. Please note, the cover image updates immediately in Open Library, but not in Balsam.

If a record in Balsam is missing a cover image:

  1. Go to Open Library (create a free account and/or log in)
  2. Search for the ISBN in the search bar
  3. If a record appears but does not have an image:
    1. Hover over the gray image space on the left hand side of the screen
    2. Click Manage Covers.
    3. Find an image online and paste in the URL or upload an image file from your own computer.
    4. Click Submit and the cover image will appear immediately.
  4. If a record appears but has the wrong image:
    1. Click Manage Covers
    2. Click the Manage tab
    3. Delete the incorrect image file
    4. Find an image online and paste in the URL or upload an image file from your own computer.
    5. Click Submit and the cover image will appear immediately.
  5. If an item is not in Open Library:
    1. Screen will show no results found
    2. Click on the dropdown menu More
    3. Click on Add a Book
    4. Fill in as much information as you can
    5. Click Add.