
Checked-out items can be renewed if your library’s policy allows it. The new due date is calculated from the renewal date. Existing loans can also be extended to a specific date by editing the due date or renewing with a specific due date.

Renewing via a Patron’s Account

  1. Retrieve the patron record and go to the Items Out screen.
  2. Select the item you want to renew. Click on ActionsRenew. If you want to renew all items in the account, click Renew All instead.
  3. If you want to specify the due date, click Renew with Specific Due Date. You will be prompted to select a due date. Once done, click Apply.

Renewing by Item Barcode

  1. To renew items by barcode, select CirculationRenew Items.
  2. Scan or manually entire the item barcode.
  3. If you want to specify the due date, click Specific Due Date and enter a new due date in yyyy-mm-dd format.

Editing Due Date

  1. Retrieve the patron record and go to the Items Out screen.
  2. Select the item you want to renew. Click on ActionsEdit Due Date.